CHANG Guang-shu. Analysis of E-trade Strategy of Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone[J]. International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management, 2014, 19(4): 239-245

Analysis of E-trade Strategy of Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone
CHANG Guang-shu
Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management, Zhengzhou 450046, P.R.China
In the future,cross-border e-commerce will be the dominant form of international trade. Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone( ZAEZ) has a huge advantage on the development of e-trade as the only comprehensive pilot city of e-trade. By utilizing SWOT method,this paper analyzed the advantages and weakness of e-trade of ZAEZ and discussed the opportunities and threats. Finally, the countermeasures which promote the rapid development of e-trade of ZAEZ were proposed.
Key words:    E-trade    E-commerce    Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone(ZAEZ)    SWOT Analysis   
Received: 2014-10-02     Revised:
DOI: 10.13434/j.cnki.1007-4546.2014.0408
Funds: This paper is supported by Project of Henan Provincial Soft Science Research under Grant 142400410512;ScientificResearch Innovation Team of Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management under Grant 2013TD01;Key Program of Henan Provincial Department of Education under Grant 14A630025;Information Technology Education Science Foundation of Henan Province under Grant ITE12167
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