LIU Lei, WU Yu-feng, LI Xiao-jun. Current Practice in Measuring the Quality of Conceptual Models:Challenges and Research[J]. International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management, 2012, 17(3): 136-144

Current Practice in Measuring the Quality of Conceptual Models:Challenges and Research
LIU Lei1
1. The Second Artillery Engineering University, Xi'an 710025, P.R.China;
2. School of Management, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, P.R.China
How to measure the quality of conceptual models is an important issue in the IS field and related research. This paper conducts a review of research in measuring conceptual model quality and identifies the major theoretical and practical issues that need to be addressed in future studies. We review current classification frameworks for conceptual model quality and practice of measuring conceptual model quality. Based on the review, challenges for studies of measuring the quality of conceptual models are proposed and these challenges are also research points which should be strengthened in future studies.
Key words:    conceptual model quality    measurement    syntactic quality    semantic quality    pragmatic quality   
Received: 2012-07-06     Revised:
Funds: This paper is supported by the Programs Foundation of Military Theoretical Research under Grant No. 2011C026
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