LIU Rui-ge, SONG Feng, LIU Rui-ying. Deformation Analysis and Optimization on Hollow Spherical Rotor in Electrostactically Suspended Gyroscope[J]. International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management, 2012, 17(1): 58-64

Deformation Analysis and Optimization on Hollow Spherical Rotor in Electrostactically Suspended Gyroscope
LIU Rui-ge1
1. Department of Automation,Binzhou University,Binzhou 256603,P. R. China;
2. College of Science,Agricultural University of Hebei,Baoding 071000,P. R. China
Nonspherical of rotor was described with solution method. Electrostatically suspended gyroscope's hollow spherical rotor's structure was presented. The simulative analysis of static deformation,dynamic deformation and synthesize deformation of rotor under different working conditions using the finite element software were carried out. Its deformation law and volume were obtained. The structural parameters of the rotor were optimized. The value of pressure required when the rotor was machined was calculated. The analysis has important theoretical reference val-ue to the design for hollow spherical rotor in electrostatically suspended gyroscope.
Key words:    electrostatically suspended gyroscope    hollow spherical rotor    deformation analysis    optimization   
Received: 2012-02-21     Revised:
Funds: This paper is supported by the Shandong Province Scientific Research Fund Project of Binzhou University under Grant No. BZXYLG200704
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