刘旭航, 刘小雄, 章卫国, 杨跃. 基于加速度修正模型的无人机姿态解算算法[J]. 西北工业大学学报
LIU Xuhang, LIU Xiaoxiong, ZHANG Weiguo, YANG Yue. UAV attitude calculation algorithm based on acceleration correction model[J]. Northwestern polytechnical university

刘旭航, 刘小雄, 章卫国, 杨跃
西北工业大学 自动化学院, 陕西 西安 710129
关键词:    无人机    姿态解算    加速度计    卡尔曼滤波   
UAV attitude calculation algorithm based on acceleration correction model
LIU Xuhang, LIU Xiaoxiong, ZHANG Weiguo, YANG Yue
School of Automation, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710129, China
In order to improve the accuracy of attitude of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) navigation system in dynamic environment, an attitude calculation algorithm based on acceleration correction model is proposed. First, the acceleration correction model is established to calculate the estimated non-gravitational acceleration and external non-gravitational acceleration to modify the output value of the accelerometer, which reduces the influence of non-gravitational acceleration on the attitude calculation in dynamic environment. Then, the attitude calculation model based on Kalman filter is built, attitude angle calculated by corrected acceleration and magnetometer as measurement of filtering model, and the attitude calculation algorithm based on the acceleration correction model is designed. The experimental results show that the algorithm can reduce the interference of non-gravitational acceleration to attitude calculation, which avoids attitude angle divergence of UAV navigation system in dynamic environment, and improves the accuracy and anti-interference ability of UAV navigation system in dynamic environment.
Key words:    UAV    attitude calculation    acceleration correction model    Kalman filtering    experiment    dynamic environment   
收稿日期: 2020-04-17     修回日期:
DOI: 10.1051/jnwpu/20213910175
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(62073266)、航空科学基金(201905053003)与陕西省飞行控制与仿真技术重点实验室资助
通讯作者: 刘小雄(1973-),西北工业大学副教授,主要从事导航、制导与控制研究。e-mail:liuxiaoxiong@nwpu.edu.cn     Email:liuxiaoxiong@nwpu.edu.cn
作者简介: 刘旭航(1994-),西北工业大学博士研究生,主要从事无人机导航与控制研究。
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