刘明雍, 杨盼盼, 雷小康, 刘坤. 基于信息耦合度的群集式AUV分群控制算法[J]. 西北工业大学
Liu Mingyong, Yang Panpan, Lei Xiaokang, Liu Kun. ICD(Information Coupling Degree) Based Control Algorithm for Breaking up of Swarm of AUVs(Autonomous Underwater Vehicles) into Subswarms[J]. Northwestern polytechnical university

刘明雍, 杨盼盼, 雷小康, 刘坤
西北工业大学 航海学院, 陕西 西安 710072
关键词:    自主水下航行器    分群控制    信息耦合度    耦合强度   
ICD(Information Coupling Degree) Based Control Algorithm for Breaking up of Swarm of AUVs(Autonomous Underwater Vehicles) into Subswarms
Liu Mingyong, Yang Panpan, Lei Xiaokang, Liu Kun
College of Marine Science and Technology, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China
The breaking-up control of swarm of AUVs manifests as the splitting behavior of a cohesive AUV swarm into multiple subswarms. For the spontaneous breaking-up problem without negotiation, appointment or centralized control, an ICD based breaking-up control algorithm is proposed. This algorithm utilizes ICD to denote the correla-tion between AUVs, thus coordinating the moving preference according to ICD differences. This approach can in-duce the motion behavior of AUVs under external stimuli and realize the spontaneous breaking-up behavior in the absence of any centralized control. Simulation results and their discussion verify preliminarily the feasibility and ef-fectiveness of the proposed breaking-up control algorithm.
Key words:    acceleration    algorithms    autonomous underwater vehicles    control    design    efficiency    functions    mathematical models    MATLAB    matrix algebra    trajectories    velocity    breaking-up control    coupling strength    ICD(information coupling degree)   
收稿日期: 2013-10-27     修回日期:
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51179156、51379176)资助
通讯作者:     Email:
作者简介: 刘明雍(1971-),西北工业大学教授、博士生导师,主要从事水下导航制导与控制研究。
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刘坤  在本刊中的所有文章

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