常晶, 周军, 呼卫军. 基于多约束因素量化与多目标优化的RCS冗余配置方法[J]. 西北工业大学
Chang Jing, Zhou Jun, Hu Weijun. An Effective Method for Redundancy Configuration of RCS (Reaction Control System)[J]. Northwestern polytechnical university

常晶, 周军, 呼卫军
西北工业大学 精确制导与控制研究所, 陕西 西安 710072
关键词:    RCS冗余配置    影响因素量化    定量配置    非线性规划    综合评估   
An Effective Method for Redundancy Configuration of RCS (Reaction Control System)
Chang Jing, Zhou Jun, Hu Weijun
College of Astronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China
Current redundancy configuration methods of RLV(reusable launch vehicle) were all restrainedly qualitative analysis that relied on experience and trial-and-error. We,aiming at a straight forward solution,proposed a redundancy configuration method,believed to be effective and based on multi-constraint factor quantification and multi-objective optimization,to enhance RCS efficiency. The various factors correlated with RCS configuration were quantified in the normalization way according to their physical principles in this method,including installation location,direction,quantity and system performance,and integrated into a quantitative assessment of the indicator function. Quantitative mathematical optimal method was used to convert the configuration issue into an ordinary nonlinear programming problem. On the basis of the work above,a configuration case with the redundancy degree of 2 was designed to verify the effectiveness and reliability of the method,and to indicate that this configuration method can be used for quantification optimization in the design process.
Key words:    control system applications    design    efficiency    launch vehicles    multiobjective optimization    nonlinear programming    redundancy    reliability    influencing factor quantification    integrated evaluation    RSC(Reaction Control System)    redundancy configuration of RCS    quantitative assessment   
收稿日期: 2012-12-28     修回日期:
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作者简介: 常晶(1988-),女,西北工业大学硕士研究生,主要从事飞行器制导与控制的研究。
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