刘雄厚, 孙超, 卓颉, 邵炫, 谢磊. 基于凸优化方法的MIMO成像声纳的失配滤波处理[J]. 西北工业大学
Liu Xionghou, Sun Chao, Zhuo Jie, Shao Xuan, Xie Lei. Proposing a “Mismatched” Filtering Method for Obtaining Better Sidelobe Suppression Effect for MIMO Sonar Imaging Based on Convex Optimization[J]. Northwestern polytechnical university

刘雄厚, 孙超, 卓颉, 邵炫, 谢磊
西北工业大学航海学院, 陕西 西安 710072
提出了利用失配滤波处理来设计多输入多输出(Multiple-Input Multiple-Output:MIMO)成像声纳的接收滤波器,并采用cvx工具箱来求解滤波器的系数。与匹配滤波处理相比,在牺牲一定高斯白噪声增益的前提下,失配滤波处理成功抑制了相关输出的旁瓣级。仿真结果表明,所提出的失配滤波处理方法可以有效抑制MIMO声纳成像结果中的距离旁瓣干扰。
关键词:    水下声成像    MIMO声纳    波形分集    接收滤波器设计    失配滤波器    凸优化   
Proposing a “Mismatched” Filtering Method for Obtaining Better Sidelobe Suppression Effect for MIMO Sonar Imaging Based on Convex Optimization
Liu Xionghou, Sun Chao, Zhuo Jie, Shao Xuan, Xie Lei
College of Marine Engineering,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi'an 710072,China
A receiver design method based on the "mismatched" filtering processing is proposed for the multiple-in-put multiple-output (MIMO) sonar imaging application.To calculate the coefficients of the "mismatched" filter, the convex optimization method is adopted.Via numerical simulations, we show that the "mismatched" filter can suppress the sidelobes of outputs at the cost of sacrificing some white Gaussian noise gain, which is tolerable for the sonar imaging application.And thus, compared to a matched filter, better sidelobe suppression effect in the ima-ging result is obtained by using the "mismatched" filter.
Key words:    auto-correlation    calculations    computer simulation    convex optimization    design    sonar    underwater acoustics    cross-correlation    mismatched filter    multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) sonar    receiver design    sidelobe suppression    underwater acoustic imaging    waveform diversity   
收稿日期: 2012-09-18     修回日期:
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(11104222);西北工业大学博士论文创新基金(CX201101)资助
通讯作者:     Email:
作者简介: 刘雄厚(1985-),西北工业大学博士研究生,主要从事水下阵列信号处理研究。
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