曾志峰, 汤一华, 陈士橹, 钱宇, 徐敏. 基于行为的太阳帆群编队方法[J]. 西北工业大学
Zeng Zhifeng, Tang Yihua, Chen Shilu, Qian Yu, Xu Min. A Better Formation Planning Algorithm of Solar Sail Swarm Based on Behavior[J]. Northwestern polytechnical university

曾志峰, 汤一华, 陈士橹, 钱宇, 徐敏
西北工业大学 航天学院,陕西 西安 710072
关键词:    太阳帆    悬浮轨道    群控制    编队    路径规划    基于行为   
A Better Formation Planning Algorithm of Solar Sail Swarm Based on Behavior
Zeng Zhifeng, Tang Yihua, Chen Shilu, Qian Yu, Xu Min
College of Astronautics,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi'an 710072,China
Aim.The introduction of the full paper discusses relevant matters and then proposes the formation plan-ning algorithm mentioned in the title,which we believe is better than previous ones and which is explained in sec-tion 1.Its core consists of: "We present a solar sail formation planning technique able to make a set of identicalsails acquire a given configuration.The technique exploits a behavior-based approach to achieve an autonomous anddistributed control over the relative geometry,making use of limited sensorial information.A desired velocity is de-fined for each sail respectively as a sum of different contributions coming from three high-level behaviors,and pa-rameters of behaviors are set based on the symmetry of target configuration.In particular,the ‘gathered'behavior isreconstructed by using the nature of the solar sail orbit formed in the actual environment in order to reduce controlcosts."The simulation results,presented in Figs.2 through 5,and their analysis show preliminarily that: (1) con-sidering only three different kinds of behavior it is possible to acquire a number of interesting formations; (2) bychanging the setting of attractive behavior this technique can be easily used for formation flying around planetary dis-placed orbits and orbits in the elliptic three-body problem etc.
Key words:    acceleration    algorithms    analysis    architecture    calculations    communication    control system analy-sis    damping    design    dynamic positioning    dynamics    efficiency    feedback    feedback control    func-tions    kinematics    models    motion estimation    navigation    nonlinear systems    real time systems    ro-bots    robustness(control systems)    satellites    sensors    simulation    space flight    spacecraft    stability    targets    velocity    behavior    displaced orbit    formation flying    motion planning    solar sail    swarm con-trol   
收稿日期: 2011-04-16     修回日期:
通讯作者:     Email:
作者简介: 曾志峰(1983-),西北工业大学博士研究生,主要从事太阳帆飞行动力学与控制及分布式卫星系统研究。
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