李晓鹏, 宋文萍, 韩忠华, 朱震. 类乘波体飞行器机身与安定面对舵效影响及干扰机理研究[J]. 西北工业大学
Li Xiaopeng, Song Wenping, Han Zhonghua, Zhu Zhen. Numerical Study on Influence of Fuselage and Stabilizer on ControlSurface Efficiency and Interference Characteristics for a Hypersonic Waverider-Derived Configuration[J]. Northwestern polytechnical university

李晓鹏, 宋文萍, 韩忠华, 朱震
西北工业大学 翼型叶栅空气动力学国家重点实验室, 陕西 西安 710072
关键词:    高超声速    舵面效率    安定面    舵面    乘波构形机身    Navier-Stokes方程   
Numerical Study on Influence of Fuselage and Stabilizer on ControlSurface Efficiency and Interference Characteristics for a Hypersonic Waverider-Derived Configuration
Li Xiaopeng, Song Wenping, Han Zhonghua, Zhu Zhen
National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Aerodynamic Design and Research atNorthwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China
In this paper the hypersonic flow around waverider-Dlerived vehicle has been numerically simulated bysolving Reynoldsaveraged Navier Stokes equations.The influence of the key parameters on the control surface effi-ciency is obtained and the interference mechanism is explored.According to the simulation results and their analy-sis,some preliminary conclusions can be drawn:(1)the horizontal and vertical distance between stabilizer andcontrol surface,and the existence of the waverider-Dlerived vehicle's body will affect the control surface efficiency;(2) whether with or without fuselage,the same affecting trend are obtained by the horizontal and vertical distancebetween stabilizer and control surface;(3) under the angle of attack of 40,the horizontal distance has little dis-turbance on control surface efficiency;in order to increase the longitudinal static stability of the vehicle,the stabi-lizer can be mounted reasonably close to the control surface;the vertical distance has large influence on the controlsurface efficiency;therefore,to reduce the amount of interference on the horizontal control surface effectivenessthe stabilizer should be mounted in vertical position as high up as possible;(4) with the presence of the body theroot part of control surface is strongly interfered with by the body's lower Mach number region,hence nearly 20%efficiency is lost compared with the condition without the body.Preliminary conclusion,we believe,are of somequantitative and qualitative value to waverider-Dlerived hypersonic vehicle design.
Key words:    angle of attack    aerodynamic configurations    computer simulation    control surfaces    efficienc hyper-sonic vehicles    Mach number    mesh generation    Navier Stokes equations    numerical methods    pres-sure distribution    schematic diagrams;body of waverider-derived vehicle    control surface effective-ness    stabilizer   
收稿日期: 2013-10-15     修回日期:
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作者简介: 李晓鹏(1982-)西北工业人学博士研究生,主要从事气动设计与计算流体力学研究。
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朱震  在本刊中的所有文章

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