WEI Xieben. Study on System of Low Frequency Signal's Measurement and Extraction of its Characteristic Quantity[J]. International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management, 2022, 27(3): 177-192

Study on System of Low Frequency Signal's Measurement and Extraction of its Characteristic Quantity
WEI Xieben
Shantou Polytechnic, Shantou 515000, Guangdong, China
The essay mainly studies a system of low frequency signal's measurement and the extraction of its characteristic quantity, introduces how matlab analyzes and extracts low frequency signal. MATLAB, a visual programming software, designs testing program for mechanic vibration signal, analyzes and identifies vibration signal. The collected data shows the effectiveness of the system. Based on XM121 modules, the testing system collects and analyzes single channel signal.
Key words:    MATLAB    low frequency signal    XM121 vibration modules    vibration   
Received: 2022-05-13     Revised:
DOI: 10.13434/j.cnki.1007-4546.2022.03004
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WEI Xieben

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