YANG Wei, LIU Xinshang, HU Xuefeng. Key Technology of Cutting and Moving Large Spherical Tank[J]. International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management, 2021, 26(3): 167-179

Key Technology of Cutting and Moving Large Spherical Tank
YANG Wei, LIU Xinshang, HU Xuefeng
The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Inspection Institute of Henan Province, Luohe 450000, He'nan, China
This paper mainly introduces the scientific cutting and hoisting construction technology before the large spherical tank (hereinafter referred to as spherical tank) moving and loading, so as to better ensure the construction quality of field assembly and welding in the process of spherical tank moving and loading.
Key words:    spherical tank    moving and loading    cutting and hoisting technology   
Received: 2021-04-18     Revised:
DOI: 10.13434/j.cnki.1007-4546.2021.0303
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LIU Xinshang
HU Xuefeng

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