XIA Wei-li, LI Xiao-ge. A Synthesis of Relationship between Trust and Knowledge Transfer-in the View of Organization Cooperation[J]. International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management, 2013, 18(4): 194-203

A Synthesis of Relationship between Trust and Knowledge Transfer-in the View of Organization Cooperation
XIA Wei-li, LI Xiao-ge
School of Management,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi'an 710129, P.R. China
Based on the organization cooperation,from the perspective of variable correlation and variable properties,this paper describes the research result on relationship between trust and knowledge transfer,in which the elements correlation research is broken down relationship between trust and knowledge transfer,correlation of trust,knowledge transfer and performance relationship,and the interrelationships of trust,knowledge transfer and multiple factors. For trust perspective. There are two structural dimensions of trust: antecedents and mediating variables. Combining the literature at home and abroad in recent years,the existing research results are summed up and the future research directions are proposed.
Key words:    knowledge transfer    trust    organization cooperation    relationship research   
Received: 2013-10-15     Revised:
Funds: The paper is supported by the National Natural Science Founda-tion of China under Grant No.71201124
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