高庆一, 李牧. 一种新型加权有向网络演化模型[J]. 西北工业大学学报
GAO Qingyi, LI Mu. A New Evolution Model for Weighted Directed Networks[J]. Northwestern polytechnical university

高庆一1, 李牧2
1. 北京航空航天大学 可靠性与系统工程学院, 北京 100191;
2. 北京航空航天大学 中法工程师学院, 北京 100191
关键词:    有向加权网络    网络演化模型    稠密幂律    直径收缩   
A New Evolution Model for Weighted Directed Networks
GAO Qingyi1, LI Mu2
1. School of Reliability and Systems Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China;
2. Sino-French Engineer School of Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China
The most of the recent models of directed weighted network evolution capture the growth process based on two conventional assumptions: constant average degree assumption and slowly growing diameter assumption. Such evolution models cannot fully support and reflect the dense power law and diameter shrinkage in the process of evolution of real networks. In this paper, a new evolution model, called BBVd, is proposed for directed weighted networks by extending BBV model with the idea of the Forest Fire model. In BBVd, new directed edges are established with probabilities computed based on in/our-strength of nodes, with dynamical evolution of weights for local directed edges. The experimental result shows that the generated networks using BBVd display power-law behavior for the node strength distributions, and moreover, it satisfies the densification power laws and has shrinking diameter.
Key words:    directed weighted network    network evolution model    densification power laws    shrinking diameter   
收稿日期: 2019-09-15     修回日期:
DOI: 10.1051/jnwpu/20203840913
通讯作者: 李牧(1979-),北京航空航天大学讲师,主要从事人工智能及大数据研究。E-mail:limu@buaa.edu.cn     Email:limu@buaa.edu.cn
作者简介: 高庆一(1979-),北京航空航天大学博士后,主要从事复杂网络分析研究。
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