姚頔, 王瑛, 马跃飞. 一种基于多子网与线性目标规划的模糊网络分析法模型[J]. 西北工业大学学报
Yao Di, Wang Ying, Ma Yuefei. A Model of Fuzzy Analytic Network Process Based on Multi-Subnets and Linear Goal Programming[J]. Northwestern polytechnical university

姚頔1,2, 王瑛1, 马跃飞3
1. 空军工程大学 装备管理与安全工程学院, 陕西 西安 710051;
2. 国家飞行流量监控中心, 北京 100094;
3. 国防科学技术大学 信息系统与管理学院, 湖南 长沙 410073
关键词:    网络分析法    模糊判断    线性目标规划    子网   
A Model of Fuzzy Analytic Network Process Based on Multi-Subnets and Linear Goal Programming
Yao Di1,2, Wang Ying1, Ma Yuefei3
1. College of Equipment Management & Safety Engineering, Air Force Engineering University, Xi'an 710051, China;
2. State Air Traffic Flow Management Center, Beijing 100094, China;
3. College of Information System & Management, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China
Aiming at the difficulty of using the classical ANP model to solve complex decision problems, we propose a network model in multiple levels based on hierarchical decomposition, through introducing ‘subnet’ structure, which reduces the workload and complexity effectively. At the same time, considering the uncertainty and diversity of the judgment, we provide a linear goal programming model for fuzzy pairwise comparison matrices with multiple expressions. By adopting the extended ANP model with subnets and fuzzy judgments, we construct the evaluation process. Finally, an example for the capability evaluation of air traffic management system-of-systems indicates that the method is effective.
Key words:    analytic hierarchy process    decision making    electric network analysis    flow charting    linear programming    mathematical models    matrix algebra    membership functions    vectors    analytic network process (ANP)    fuzzy judgment    linear goal programming    subnet   
收稿日期: 2015-04-02     修回日期:
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(71171199)与国家空管"十二五"科研专项课题(GKG201401003)资助
通讯作者:     Email:
作者简介: 姚頔(1984—),空军工程大学博士研究生,主要从事信息系统工程与智能决策、空域与飞行流量管理的研究。
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马跃飞  在本刊中的所有文章

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