张强, 杨永. 迎风格式的低速预处理及远场边界影响研究[J]. 西北工业大学
Zhang Qiang, Yang Yong. A Better Preconditioning Method of Low Mach Number Flow with Effects of Far-Field Boundary Conditions Considered[J]. Northwestern polytechnical university

张强, 杨永
西北工业大学 翼型、叶栅空气动力学国防科技重点实验室,陕西 西安 710072
为处理低马赫数下的流动问题,在原来可压缩流动求解器的基础上,引入Weiss-Smith预处理,根据Roe通量差分分裂(FDS)思想,修改了Roe FDS中的耗散项,并基于预处理后的方程组系数矩阵的特征系统,重新构造了主对角占优的近似因子隐式时间推进(AFADI),然后考察了不同远场边界对低速流动的收敛性和计算精度的影响。计算结果表明:采用预处理后,合理的设置远场边界,可以进一步改善迎风预处理格式的收敛性和准确性;采用CVBC远场边界时的收敛性均好于SFBC边界;至于计算精度,如果远场离物面较近,采用CVBC边界准确性要高于SFBC;如果远场离物面足够远,采用SFBC作为远场边界也是可以的,与CVBC边界差别很小。
关键词:    时间相关法    预处理    迎风Roe格式    近似因子    全速域流动   
A Better Preconditioning Method of Low Mach Number Flow with Effects of Far-Field Boundary Conditions Considered
Zhang Qiang, Yang Yong
National Key Laboratory of Science and Techniques on Aerodynamic Design and Research, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China
At low Mach number,the Roe scheme presents unsuitable artificial viscosity. A new preconditioned-Roescheme using Weiss-Smith preconditioning was proposed, and then the new special discretization was combined withan approximate-factor (AF) time marching method based on the new preconditioned Jacobians. Sections 1 through4 of full paper explain the preconditioning method mentioned in the title,which we believe is better than previousones for our purpose and whose core consists of: "This paper explained in some detail how to apply Weiss-Smithpreconditioning to Roe FDS and develop implicit AF method. Following the method presented in this paper,weconducted three validating cases with different far-field boundary conditions: (1) the inviscid flow of NACA0012airfoil; (2) laminar flow of flat plate; (3) turbulent flow of NACA4412 airfoil. "Simulation results,presented inFigs. 1 through 7,and their analysis indicated preliminarily that preconditioning improved the efficiency and accu-racy of the solutions,and suitable far-field boundary condition can also improve the convergence rate and numericalaccuracy.
Key words:    aerodynamics    airfoils    algorithms    computational fluid dynamics    convergence of numerical methods    drag    efficiency    finite volume method    laminar flow    Navier Stokes equations    turbulence;low speedflow    preconditioned-Roe scheme   
收稿日期: 2011-06-12     修回日期:
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(11002117)资助
通讯作者:     Email:
作者简介: 张强(1977-),西北工业大学讲师、博士,主要从事计算流体力学研究。
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