郑志成, 周洲, 昌敏, 王琛. 升力风扇垂直起降飞机阻力特性分析[J]. 西北工业大学
Zheng Zhicheng, Zhou Zhou, Chang Min, Wang Chen. Analyzing Drag Characteristics to Obtain Effective Guidelines for Configuration Design of Lift-Fan VTOL[J]. Northwestern polytechnical university

郑志成, 周洲, 昌敏, 王琛
西北工业大学 无人机特种技术重点试验室,陕西 西安 710065
关键词:    升力风扇    垂直起降飞机    阻力特性    阻力凸峰    桨盘载荷    叶栅系统   
Analyzing Drag Characteristics to Obtain Effective Guidelines for Configuration Design of Lift-Fan VTOL
Zheng Zhicheng, Zhou Zhou, Chang Min, Wang Chen
Science and Technology on UAVLaboratory,Northwestrn Polytechnical University,xi'an 710065,China
The introduction of the full paper discusses relevant matters and then proposes the analysis mentioned inthe title.Sections 1 through 3 explain our analysis of the drag characteristics.We believe that all the results of ouranalysis can serve as effective guidelines for configuration design of lift-fan VTOL.Their core consists of: (1) weestablish the aerodynamic estimation model of the lift-fan VTOL; (2) we analyze the effects of conceptual parame-ters on the peak drag of the lift-fan VTOL in its transition mode.Section 4 presents five conclusions for the resultsshown in Figs.2 through 10 in section 3 and three effective guidelines for the configuration design of lift-fan VTOL.
Key words:    aerodynamics    analysis    calculations    cascades (fluid mechanics)    design    disks (structureal com-ponlnts)    drag    effects    efficiency    fans    lift    models    parameter estimation    schematic diagrams    velocity    wings    lift-fan    VTOL    drag peak    disk loading   
收稿日期: 2011-04-19     修回日期:
通讯作者:     Email:
作者简介: 郑志成(1976-),西北工业大学博士研究生,主要从事飞机总体设计研究。
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周洲  在本刊中的所有文章
昌敏  在本刊中的所有文章
王琛  在本刊中的所有文章

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