秦之轩, 史爱明. 一种时域颤振判定新方法研究[J]. 西北工业大学
Qing Zhixuan, Shi Aiming. Researching a New Time Domain Flutter Estimation Method[J]. Northwestern polytechnical university

秦之轩, 史爱明
西北工业大学 航空学院, 陕西 西安 710072
关键词:    时域判颤    幅频分析    AGARD445.6机翼    频率移动判据    能量因子判据   
Researching a New Time Domain Flutter Estimation Method
Qing Zhixuan, Shi Aiming
College of Aeronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University Xi'an 710072, China
This paper puts forward a new method which is used to pick out coupling modes from muti-modes and toestimate flutter boundary.The means of the research was Discrete Fourier Transform(DFT),by which the time do-main result was transformed into amplitude-frequency plot.After confirming the stability of DFT program written byus,we chose time domain flutter response of Wing AGARD445.6 at Ma=0.9 to be the research object.Ampli-Tude-frequency plot of general displacement showed the main frequency of each mode.Based on frequency superpo-sition principle,the two modes with main frequencies close to each other are coupling modes.With coupling modesknown ,there are two ways to obtain flutter boundary ,Q-f plot and energy factor estimation.In Q-f plot ,the fre-quency superposition point is flutter point and the flutter velocity and flutter frequency can be found.The calcula-tion of energy factor follows.First,calculate the general oscillation mechanical energy.Second,find the linear fit(or other fitting means) function of general oscillation mechanical energy.Define its slope (or other parameter) asenergy factor.At last,draw the plot showing the energy factor changing with velocity (or dynamic pressure),andthe point of curve on the x axis is flutter point.Each coupling mode has its own flutter point,and the lower one isthe real flutter point and its corresponding mode is the main flutter mode.Then,to verify the overall prediction pre-Cision,all experimental points of Wing AGARD445.6 were calculated and the deviation was between 2% and 6%except the result at Mach number 1.141.This means the deviation is acceptable.To test the practicality of thismeans apply it to a project of predicting the flutter boundary of a rocket tail.The results and their analysis showpreliminarily that this means can find effectively coupling modes,main flutter modes,flutter velocity and flutter fre-quency.The preliminarily conclusions are,(1)by the means of Discrete Fourier Transform(DFT),couplingmodes can be found effectively;(2) frequency superposition criterion can predict flutter frequency and flutter ve-locity;(3) energy factor criterion can provide flutter velocity and main flutter mode.Although both criterias canpredict flutter velocity ,the result given by energy factor criterion has higher precision.
Key words:    aspect ration    calculations    damping    discrete Fourier transforms    efficiency    errors    estimation    ex-periments    exponential functions    flutter (aerodynamics)    forecasting    frequency domain analysis    linear regression    Mach number    matrix algebra    pressure    stability    stiffness    stiffness matrix    timedomain analysis    velocity    vibrations (mechanical)    wings;amplitude-frequency characteristic analy-sis    energy factor criterion    frequency superposition criterion    time domain flutter estimation   
收稿日期: 2014-03-18     修回日期:
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(10602046)与航天科技创新基金重点项目(CASC0111)资助
通讯作者:     Email:
作者简介: 秦文轩(1988-),西北工业人学硕士研究生,主要从事颤振计算研究。
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