张竞凯, 章卫国, 袁燎原, 刘小雄. 一种基于逻辑代数模型的动态故障树不交化方法[J]. 西北工业大学
Zhang Jingkai, Zhang Weiguo, Yuan Liaoyuan, Liu Xiaoxiong. A Method of Disjoint Cut Sets/Sequences Generation Based on Boolean Algebraic Models for DFTs[J]. Northwestern polytechnical university

张竞凯, 章卫国, 袁燎原, 刘小雄
西北工业大学 自动化学院, 陕西 西安 710072
关键词:    逻辑代数模型    动态故障树    不交化    容斥方法   
A Method of Disjoint Cut Sets/Sequences Generation Based on Boolean Algebraic Models for DFTs
Zhang Jingkai, Zhang Weiguo, Yuan Liaoyuan, Liu Xiaoxiong
Department of Automatic Control, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China
For the Boolean Algebraic Models of Dynamic Fault Trees,a method of generating their Disjoint Cut Sets/ Sequences is proposed in this paper. This paper is arranged as follows:(1) history and state of the art about Dynamic Fault Tree Analysis(DFTA) are introduced with the list of advantages and disadvantages of the study on DFTA;(2) the basic dynamic events/ sequences are analyzed to generate formulae due to the logical operation of negation;(3) the typical dynamic gates including CSP,WSP and HSP are analyzed to deduce the Boolean Algebraic formulae due to the logical operation of negation and De Morgan's laws;(4) by the foregoing tools of disjoint, the inclusion-exclusion formulae of a two-WSP system sharing one spare are deduced based on the acquisition of Minimal Cut Sequences/ Sets. The advantage of the proposed method is concluded by comparison with the conventional methods.
Key words:    Boolean algebra    fault tree analysis    inclusion-exclusion    probability distribution    reliability analysis    disjoint    dynamic fault tree    spare    fornal logic    inverse problems    set theory    mathematical operators   
收稿日期: 2013-04-23     修回日期:
基金项目: 航空材料基金(20110753006)资助
通讯作者:     Email:
作者简介: 张竞凯(1981-),西北工业大学博士研究生,主要从事飞行控制系统故障诊断及其专家系统技术研究。
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刘小雄  在本刊中的所有文章

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