徐海, 吴健, 赵佐, 朱明洁. TENA-HLA网关软件自动生成技术研究[J]. 西北工业大学
Xu Hai, Wu Jian, Zhao Zuo, Zhu Mingjie. Research of Automatic Generating Technology for TENA-HLA Gateway Software[J]. Northwestern polytechnical university

徐海1, 吴健1, 赵佐1, 朱明洁2
1. 西北工业大学 计算机学院, 陕西 西安 710072;
2. 中航工业第一飞机设计研究院, 陕西 西安 710089
关键词:    网关    HLA    TENA    自动生成   
Research of Automatic Generating Technology for TENA-HLA Gateway Software
Xu Hai1, Wu Jian1, Zhao Zuo1, Zhu Mingjie2
1. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China;
2. First Aircraft Institute, AVIC, Xi'an 710089, China
The TENA-HLA gateway can accomplish data exchange between"Modeling and Simulation of high-level system architecture HLA" and "The Test and Training Enabling Architecture TENA" and make it barrier-free to deliver information. Nowadays, many existing gateways are implemented in such a way that a master program re-ceives and delivers data circularly which has been translated by an intermediate conversion to another network. However, the intermediate conversion is not application specific and is too complex for only a small amount of basic conversion files. We propose a design for the gateway software, according to the mapping rules between TENA ob-jects and HLA objects specified by user;combining with TDL and FED compiling technologies, it generates the ap-plication specific gateway software automatically. We also give experimental results and their analysis in the paper.
Key words:    algorithms    communication    computer simulation    conformal mapping    date transfer    distributed computer systems    electronic data interchange    gateways (computer networks)    models    real time systems    software architecture    software testing    automatic generation    C4I(Command    Control    Communications    Computer /Intelligence)    gateway    HLA    TENA   
收稿日期: 2013-10-10     修回日期:
基金项目: 西北工业大学基础研究基金(JC201258)资助
通讯作者:     Email:
作者简介: 徐海(1988-),西北工业大学硕士研究生,主要从事分布式计算及仿真系统的研究。
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朱明洁  在本刊中的所有文章

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