李晓艳, 孙梦宇, 王鹏, 杨永侠. 一种连续卷积与时空正则项的相关滤波目标跟踪算法[J]. 西北工业大学学报
LI Xiaoyan, SUN Mengyu, WANG Peng, YANG Yongxia. A Correlation Filter Target Tracking Algorithm Based on Continuous Convolution Operator and Spatial-Temporal Regularization Term[J]. Northwestern polytechnical university

李晓艳, 孙梦宇, 王鹏, 杨永侠
西安工业大学 电子信息工程学院, 陕西 西安 710021
关键词:    目标跟踪    相关滤波    连续卷积    时空正则项   
A Correlation Filter Target Tracking Algorithm Based on Continuous Convolution Operator and Spatial-Temporal Regularization Term
LI Xiaoyan, SUN Mengyu, WANG Peng, YANG Yongxia
School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Xi'an Technological University, Xi'an 710021, China
In order to accurately estimate the location of a target that is occluded and rotated rapidly by the STRCF algorithm, a correlation filter target tracking algorithm based on continuous convolution operator and spatial-temporal regularization term is proposed. The algorithm uses interpolation operators to transform a response function into a continuous function within a certain period, thus enhancing the accuracy of target location. Spatial-temporal regularization terms are added to the new model of correlation filter to ensure that it is similar to the model of the previous frame of image and that the algorithm is more robust. A fast multi-scale filter is used to update the scale, thus improving the computational efficiency. The experimental results show that the average overlap rate of the proposed algorithm can reach 73% and that the central position error is less than 8.2. The proposed algorithm can achieve a real-time and robust target tracking.
Key words:    target tracking    correlation filter    continuous convolution operator    spatial-temporal regularization term   
收稿日期: 2019-01-11     修回日期:
DOI: 10.1051/jnwpu/20193761264
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(61671362)、陕西省科技厅重点研发计划(2019GY-022)、西安市未央区科技计划项目(201923)与陕西省组合与智能导航重点实验室开发基金(SKLIIN-20180201)资助
通讯作者: 王鹏(1978-),西安工业大学教授,主要从事计算机视觉处理、嵌入式系统研究。e-mail:wang_peng@xatu.edu.cn     Email:wang_peng@xatu.edu.cn
作者简介: 李晓艳(1982-),女,西安工业大学讲师、博士,主要从事目标识别及跟踪研究。
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