陈庆宇, 吴龙胜. 一种细粒度流水化控制的FPU集成方法[J]. 西北工业大学学报
Chen Qingyu, Wu Longsheng. A Method of FPU Integration Based on Fine-Grained Pipeline Control[J]. Northwestern polytechnical university

陈庆宇, 吴龙胜
西安微电子技术研究所, 陕西 西安 710065
解决了在RISC处理器中嵌入高精度FPU的问题,提出一种细粒度的基于集中控制和分段数据处理的扩展双精度FPU集成方法,该方法通过细分浮点指令的执行状态,然后以执行状态为基本粒度生成与之对应的FPU控制信息,最后根据控制信息分段处理目标操作数,并通过流水化的形式实现数据的回写。基于一款SPARC V8型微处理器对上述方案进行了设计实现、仿真验证及分析。结果表明,该FPU集成方法与公开文献的方案相比,浮点指令关键路径缩短61%,硬件消耗减小16.9%,浮点计算效率提高1.7倍,可用于将扩展双精度FPU集成到RISC处理器中,并使两者高效协同运算。
关键词:    FPU    协同运算    细粒度    集中控制    流水回写   
A Method of FPU Integration Based on Fine-Grained Pipeline Control
Chen Qingyu, Wu Longsheng
Xi'an Microelectronics Technology Institute, Xi'an 710054, China
Double-precision floating-point can hardly satisfy the accuracy requirement of contemporary scientific computing. It deserves further study about how to get the higher precision FPU embedded into the RISC processor and about how to make an effective collaborative computing between them. A fine-grained integration method of extended double-precision FPU is proposed in this paper; it is based on centralized control and segmented data processing. The method finely differentiates the execution status of floating instructions and generates the FPU control information corresponding to execution status of floating-point instructions in fine-grain. Then, destination operands are segmentedly processed and written back register is implemented and the implementation is explained with a flowchart. An SPARC V8 processor based on the proposed mechanism has been implemented, verified and analyzed. The results and their analysis show preliminarily that the critical path of floating instructions decreases 61%, hardware consumption declines 16.9% and the floating-point calculation efficiency increase 1.7 times.
Key words:    algorithms    calculations    computer architecture    computer hardware    controllers    cost reduction    data processing    digital arithmetic    efficiency    exchange coupling    flowcharting    microprocessor chips    real time control    scalability    schematic diagrams    state estimation    time delay    centralized control    collaboration computing    fine-grain    FPU    pipeline write-back   
收稿日期: 2015-04-24     修回日期:
通讯作者:     Email:
作者简介: 陈庆宇(1988—),西安微电子技术研究所博士研究生,主要从事高性能飞行控制SoC设计及系统级可靠性研究。
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