葛致磊, 李宪强, 郭锐. 弹道导弹主动段拦截导引律研究[J]. 西北工业大学
Ge Zhilei, Li Xianqiang, Guo Rui. Guidance Laws for Boost-Phase Interception of Ballistic Missile[J]. Northwestern polytechnical university

葛致磊, 李宪强, 郭锐
西北工业大学 精确制导与控制研究所, 陕西 西安 710072
关键词:    主动段拦截    导引律    空基反导   
Guidance Laws for Boost-Phase Interception of Ballistic Missile
Ge Zhilei, Li Xianqiang, Guo Rui
Institute of Precision Guidance and Control,Northwestern Polytechnical University. Xi'an 710072,China
Ballistic missiles in the boost phase have very high longitudinal acceleration. Because of the lack ofclimbing capacity,the conventional guidance law is prone to making the interceptor fall into chase after the target,which will lead to the failure to intercept the target. For that,we design the mid-guidance and homing guidancelaws which can suppress the longitudinal acceleration of the target. Section 1 of the full paper gives the mathemati-cal models respectively of the interceptor and the target. Subsections 2. 1 and 2. 2 design the first kind of mid-guid-ance law; section 2. 3 designs the second kind of mid-guidance law. Section 3 designs the terminal guidance lawwith sliding mode control. The simulation results and their analysis show preliminarily that the guidance laws de-signed can achieve intercepting targets in the boost phase with high precision.
Key words:    acceleration    ballistic missiles    computer simulation    design    mathematical models    sliding modecontrol    targets;air-based missile    air-based missile design    boost-phase interception   
收稿日期: 2012-05-03     修回日期:
基金项目: 航天科技创新基金;西北工业大学基础研究基金(JC20100222)资助
通讯作者:     Email:
作者简介: 葛致磊(1979-),西北工业大学副教授、博士,主要从事导弹精确制导与控制研究。
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