闫天, 杨尧, 孙力, 张科. 基于AD2S83对电动舵机低速及动态性能的改进[J]. 西北工业大学
Yan Tian, Yang Yao, Sun Li, Zhang Ke. Effectively Improving Rudder' s Low-Speed and Dynamic Performance with Rotary Transformer-Digital Converter AD2S83[J]. Northwestern polytechnical university

闫天, 杨尧, 孙力, 张科
西北工业大学 航天学院, 陕西 西安 710072
关键词:    电动舵机    低速爬行    频带    AD2S83   
Effectively Improving Rudder' s Low-Speed and Dynamic Performance with Rotary Transformer-Digital Converter AD2S83
Yan Tian, Yang Yao, Sun Li, Zhang Ke
Collage of Astronautics,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi'an710072,China
To obtain the DC location and velocity signal in the feedback circuit of a kind of electromechanical rud-der, it is needed to deal with the AC location signal of sensor' s output by demodulation and derivative circuit.De-modulation and derivative circuit reduce phase margin and amplify noise, so the system open-loop gain is restrictedand can not be further raised.Accordingly, the rudder crawling phenomenon occurs when running at low speed andthe bandwidth of the rudder is narrow.Sections 1 and 2 of the full paper explain the improvement mentioned in thetitle, which we believe is effective and whose core can be clearly stated with the titles of sections 1 and 2 and sec-tion1's subsections.The sections are entitled: AD2S83's functions, working principles and its application (section1), the design of the control system with AD2S83(section 2).The subsections are entitled: the functions ofAD2S83 (subsection 1.1), AD2S83's working principles and its application (subsection 1.2).The experimentalresults, presented in Figs.7 through 10 and Tables.1 and 2, and their analysis show preliminarily that the rudder's low-speed and dynamic performance can indeed be much improved by raising the gain of open-loop transfer func-tion.
Key words:    bandwidth    experiments    feedback    rudders    schematic diagrams    sensors    signal processing    trans-fer functions;low-speed crawling phenomenon    rotary transformer-digital converter AD2S83   
收稿日期: 2011-12-10     修回日期:
通讯作者:     Email:
作者简介: 闫天(1987-),西北工业大学硕士研究生,主要从事导航制导与控制的研究。
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