潘光, 刘欢欢, 杜晓旭. 高空远程滑翔UUV低空突防段弹道运动仿真与分析[J]. 西北工业大学
Pan Guang, Liu Huanhuan, Du Xiaoxu. Exploring Feasibility of Low Altitude Penetration of High-Altitude Long-Distance Gliding UUV (Unmanned Underwater Vehicle)[J]. Northwestern polytechnical university

潘光, 刘欢欢, 杜晓旭
西北工业大学 航海学院,陕西 西安 710072
关键词:    高空    滑翔    弹道仿真    低空突防   
Exploring Feasibility of Low Altitude Penetration of High-Altitude Long-Distance Gliding UUV (Unmanned Underwater Vehicle)
Pan Guang, Liu Huanhuan, Du Xiaoxu
College of Marine Engineering,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi'an 710072,China
The technology of high-altitude long-distance gliding UUV is an integration of high-altitude volplane andunderwater voyage and the trajectory of low altitude penetration is an important part of the whole trajectory of high-altitude long-distance gliding UUV. Sections 1 through 3 explain the feasibility exploration mentioned in the title,whose core consists of: "By establishing the six-degrees of freedom motion equations of the UUV,the ballistic sim-ulation and detailed analysis of the trajectory of the low altitude penetration are accomplished. Adopting the conven-tional constant altitude control scheme,the simulation results in section 2 illustrate that low altitude penetrationcannot be achieved,due to excessive fall height,even below the ground plane. In order to avoid this phenomenon,two methods applied to resolve this problem respectively are utilizing limit rudder angle in the low altitude penetra-tion (subsection 3. 1 ) and rewriting the control equation over height(subsection 3. 2) . " The simulation results,given in Figs. 5 through 12,and their analysis show preliminarily that both of the two methods can indeed suppressthe problems significantly; besides,the second one has better applicability and the system is relatively more stable.
Key words:    degrees of freedom (mechanics)    dynamics    equations of motion    kinematics    mathematical models    trajectories    three dimensional    two dimensional;gliding    high-altitude    low altitude penetration    trajectory simulation   
收稿日期: 2011-06-12     修回日期:
基金项目: 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-09-0074)资助
通讯作者:     Email:
作者简介: 潘光(1969-),西北工业大学教授,主要从事水下航行器流体力学、水下航行器操纵性、弹道设计研究。
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