吴俊, 程咏梅, 曲圣杰, 潘泉, 刘准钆. 基于三级信息融合结构的多平台多雷达目标识别算法[J]. 西北工业大学
Wu Jun, Cheng Yongmei, Qu Shengjie, Pan Quan, Liu Zhunga. An Effective Multi-Platform Multi-Radar Target Identification Algorithm Based on Three Level Fusion Hierarchical Structure[J]. Northwestern polytechnical university

吴俊, 程咏梅, 曲圣杰, 潘泉, 刘准钆
西北工业大学 自动化学院,陕西 西安 710072
关键词:    自适应证据融合算法    模糊综合评判    目标识别    三级信息融合结构   
An Effective Multi-Platform Multi-Radar Target Identification Algorithm Based on Three Level Fusion Hierarchical Structure
Wu Jun, Cheng Yongmei, Qu Shengjie, Pan Quan, Liu Zhunga
Department of Automatic Control,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi'an 710072,China
There are some factors that influence the multi-radar target identification time-space information fusion:the low timeliness,the high conflicts among identification results of sensors, and the fuzziness and the uncertaintiesof identification features. Sections 1 and 2 of the full paper explain the algorithm mentioned in the title,which webelieve is effective and its core consists of: " Section 1 designs three level fusion hierarchical structure for multi-platform multi-radar target identification. Subsection 1. 1 uses the fuzzy synthetic evaluation to describe the fuzzi-ness and uncertainties of identification features to get the identification results of single radar. Subsection 1. 2 de-signs the algorithm that adaptively chooses evidence fusion rules for spatial information fusion,according to thethreshold of the average evidence distance. Subsection 1. 3 proposes the adaptive time evidence fusion algorithm,based on sequence information of multi-radar. Subsection 2. 1 explains simulation calculations. " Simulation re-sults,presented in Tables 2 through 5,and their analysis show preliminarily that: (1) our fusion hierarchicalstructure can indeed get the right output result for each period,and its timeliness is better than that of Ref. 3 byHong and Lynch; (2) Tables 2 and 3 show that our adaptive evidence fusion algorithm,compared with DS fusionrules and discount evidence fusion rules,can indeed not only solve the problem of the high conflicts among identifi-cation results of sensors but also reduce the computational complexity.
Key words:    algorithms    calculations    computational complexity    efficiency    identification (control systems)    in-formation fusion    radar    schematic diagrams    space time adaptive processing    targets    time domain a-nalysis;adaptive evidence fusion algorithm    fuzzy synthetic evaluation    target identification    threelevel fusion hierarchical structure   
收稿日期: 2011-06-21     修回日期:
基金项目: 航空科学基金(20100853010)资助
通讯作者:     Email:
作者简介: 吴俊(1984-),西北工业大学博士研究生,主要从事多传感器信息融合的研究。
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