鲁鹏, 章卫国, 李广文, 刘小雄, 李想. 一种基于杂草克隆的多目标粒子群算法[J]. 西北工业大学
Lu Peng, Zhang Weiguo, Li Guangwen, Liu Xiaoxiong, Li Xiang. A New and Efficient Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO) Algorithm Based on Invasive Weed Cloning[J]. Northwestern polytechnical university

鲁鹏, 章卫国, 李广文, 刘小雄, 李想
西北工业大学 自动化学院,陕西 西安 710072
关键词:    多目标算法    粒子群算法    Pareto前沿    杂草克隆    MOPSO    NSGA-Ⅱ   
A New and Efficient Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO) Algorithm Based on Invasive Weed Cloning
Lu Peng, Zhang Weiguo, Li Guangwen, Liu Xiaoxiong, Li Xiang
Department of Automatic Control,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi'an 710072,China
When the existing MOPSO algorithm is applied to optimizing the functions with the discontinuous Paretofront, its convergence and the diversity of its population are poor. To solve the problem, we propose our new IW-MOPSO (Invasive Weed MOPSO) algorithm, which we believe is more efficient than existing ones. Sections 1through 2 of the full paper explain our new IWMOPSO algorithm. Section 1 presents the defects of the MOPSO algo-rithm. Section 2 explains how to reduce such defects to a minimum. Section 3 uses five benchmark test functions tocompare the performance of our new IWMOPSO algorithm with those of the existing MOPSO and NSGA-Ⅱ algo-rithms. The test results, given in Tables 1 and 2 and Fig. 7, and their analysis show preliminarily that both the con-vergence of our IWMOPSO algorithm and its diversity are enhanced by the improved file maintenance strategy andthe unfeasible solutions, with the Pareto front obtained with our new algorithm very close to the real Pareto front, thus being more efficient than both the MOPSO and NSGA-Ⅱ algorithms.
Key words:    convergence of numerical methods    defects    efficiency    evolutionary algorithms    functions    mainte-nance    mechanisms    multiobjective optimization    particle swarm optimization;analysis    Pareto front    invasive weed cloning   
收稿日期: 2011-06-21     修回日期:
基金项目: 航空科学基金(20090753008)资助
通讯作者:     Email:
作者简介: 鲁鹏(1987-),西北工业大学硕士研究生,主要从事飞行器控制、智能进化算法研究。
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