柯吉, 王伟, 李爱军, 王长青. 特征速率方法用于微型共轴直升机姿态控制[J]. 西北工业大学
Ke Ji, Wang Wei, Li Aijun, Wang Changqing. Controller Design for a Micro Coaxial Helicopter Using Characteristic Ratio Assignment[J]. Northwestern polytechnical university

柯吉, 王伟, 李爱军, 王长青
西北工业大学自动化学院, 陕西 西安 710072
微型共轴直升机因对控制输入和外在扰动较敏感,且本身具有较高的动态脉宽,使得其难于控制。提出一种基于特征速率配置(characteristic ratio assignment,CRA)的多项式设计方案来控制直升机的姿态回路。因CRA综合考虑时域稳态指标、系统鲁棒性以及广义时间常量来配置系统特征多项式,从而设计控制器。针对CRA设计控制器阶次的不明确,提出依据CRA设计满足一定性能指标的定阶次的类PID控制器。仿真分析证实了提出的控制方法简单可行。
关键词:    特征速率配置    代数方法    微型直升机    姿态回路    跟踪控制   
Controller Design for a Micro Coaxial Helicopter Using Characteristic Ratio Assignment
Ke Ji, Wang Wei, Li Aijun, Wang Changqing
Department of Automatic Control, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China
A micro coaxial helicopter exhibits not only increased sensitivity to control inputs and disturbances, but also higher dynamic bandwidth. These properties make it much more difficult to control. The dynamic model accura-cy will determine the performance of the designed controller. It is attractive in this regard to have a controller that can accommodate the fast parameter changes and perform well in such situations. Characteristic Ratio Assignment (CRA) is such a candidate for synthesizing such a controller due to its simplicity and convenience in demonstrating integrated performance measures including equivalent time constant, stability indices and robustness, with the ex-ception of the uncertainty in determining the order of the designed controller. The paper explores the relationship between time-domain indexes (overshoot,response speed and robustness) on the one hand, and an algorithm on the other hand to design a similar PID fixed order controller for attitude control. The simulation results and their analysis validate preliminarily the proposed design method.
Key words:    algebra    algorithms    attitude control    bandwidth    closed loop systems    computer simulation    control    controllers    cutoff frequency    design    helicopters    polynomials    robustness(control systems)    stability    tracking (position )    transfer functions    uncertain systems    unmanned vehicles    algebraic approach    attitude inner-loop    characteristic ratio assignment(CRA)    tracking control   
收稿日期: 2013-06-20     修回日期:
基金项目: 2011年年度国家国际科技合作专项;陕西省科学技术研究发展计划(2013KW09-02)资助
通讯作者:     Email:
作者简介: 柯吉(1982-),西北工业大学博士研究生,主要从事飞行器控制与仿真的研究。
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