WANG Juan-ru, LUO Ling. Study on the Influencing Factors of Stakeholders Knowledge Sharing Behavior in Aircraft Product Development[J]. International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management, 2014, 19(1): 12-23

Study on the Influencing Factors of Stakeholders Knowledge Sharing Behavior in Aircraft Product Development
WANG Juan-ru, LUO Ling
School of Management,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi'an 710072,P.R China
Based on the individual level,influencing factors of stakeholders knowledge sharing behavior in aircraft product development are discussed,which are participant degree,sharing intention,and sharing capability.And the relationship of these factors between explicit knowledge sharing behavior and tacit knowledge sharing behavior are analyzed theoretically,some assumptions are put forward,and a theorittcal study model is established.Then,using a structural equation model,the assumptions are validated through principal component analysis and model fitting for 215 sample data.Lastly,the conclusion is gained that participant degree,sharing intention,and sharing capability all have a significant positive effect on the explicit knowledge sharing behavior and tacit knowledge sharing behavior in aircraft product development.
Key words:    aircraft product development    principal component analysis    knowledge sharing behavior   
Received: 2014-01-15     Revised:
DOI: 10.13434/j.cnki.1007-4546.2014.0103
Funds: The paper is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.71001085; No.71371154 Humanities,Social Science and Management Foundation of NPU under Grant No.RW201306
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